We are committed to collaboration, advocacy, civic action and the intellectual development of African Canadian learners. We believe in the enhancement of the life chances of African Canadians through education which is 21st Century applicable. We believe that African Canadian learners must be enabled to be labour competitive, productive and leaders in all aspects of our economy. The goal we share with many others is to facilitate leadership in the deconstruction and education of forms of exclusion which limit the achievements of African Canadian learners
Together we represent a rich pool of ideas
They are our cherished future
The Canadian Alliance of Black Educators holds a strong commitment to education for all people within and outside of the formal education system. It holds this commitment most firmly in respect to the Black Community.
Program Development Committee: This Committee works to initiate, develop and implement such programs and activities that are consistent with the aims and objectives of the organization.
Interview with George Dei, Ph.D. from the University of Toronto
Empowering Change: Africentric Program to Boost Representation in Nova Scotia Schools
51st Annual NABSE Conference – Leveling Up and Leading the Way – Nov 29 – Dec 3, 2023
Black / African History Month Virtual Presentations
The Canadian Multicultural Inventors Museum (CMIM) presents Educational, interactive African-centered BHM presentations featuring… Read More
I am penning this letter to the Black community, well aware that I am not saying anything new here about anti-Black racism. It has been written and spoken about for centuries. It is important that such voices be reiterated at this moment in our history. I do not necessarily expect everyone in the Black community to share these views and that is not my goal…read more
CABE’s Statement on George Floyd and Current Environment
The protests that are occurring in the U.S., Canada, and across the globe in response to the murder of George Floyd at the hands of 4 Minneapolis police officers, has become a clarion call for all people to mobilize against racial injustices. The video which captured the blatant murder of Mr. Floyd, …read more